NeetoPlanner Features

Custom Fields

Create text field, drop down, numbers and other types of custom fields to match your needs.

Due Dates

Add dues dates to the task to get reminders.


Add templates so that you don't have to repeat the same thing multiple times.

Task Comments

Add comments to tasks to record everyone's point of view.

Rich Text

Rich text editor with the ability to upload documents.

My Tasks

See all your tasks across various projects in one single place to better prioritize your work.

Kanban Boards

See all your tasks in a tabular view or in a kanban board.

Group Chat

A chat tool for the whole team to quickly chat something.


Manage your tasks better by having sections.

End to End Encryption

The full application runs on SSL end to end ensuring that your data is safe and secure.

Mobile App

With iOS and Android apps you can chat with your customers anytime anywhere.

Google Sign In

Force all your team members to login using google and make your organization more secure.

Verify OTP Every Time

Security is further strengthened by asking users to enter OTP every time they login.

Mobile Apps

App Store
Google Play


Neeto is building 20+ products simultaneously. Some of these products have built-in marketing, so for these products, our pricing is quite generous. Since Neeto offers many products, we use some of our products as a gateway to other Neeto products.

Pricing Philosophy

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